We Rely On Your Donations

Your Donation Helps A Child In Need!

The support from our generous donors allow Delivering Hope to feed children's minds and bodies. Any and all levels and types (one time donation, monthly reoccurring donation, establishment of a matching program) of donation are welcome and appreciated. Click the below link to donate via Paypal. If you have any questions or would like to donate via another means, please CONTACT US.


How Is My Donation Used?

At Delivering Hope we firmly believe that every dollar donated should go to accomplishing our mission, feeding children's minds and bodies. We are a volunteer organization meaning that no member of our organization is financially compensated for their efforts. We strive to provide our donors with complete transparency in how we allocate funds. If you have any questions or would like to donate via another means, please CONTACT US.


Does Your Company Match Donations?

Many corporations will match employees donations to 501c3 organizations. If you are interested in a corporate matching donation, please visit your Human Resources Department for more information. If you have any questions or would like to donate via another means, please CONTACT US.


Our Programs